Logo of Open Country A/T III


L’Open Country A/T III est un pneu tout-terrain qui offre une adhérence hors route fiable et une tenue de route réactive et prévisible. En mettant l’accent sur la durée de vie de la bande de roulement et son efficacité sur chaussée mouillée, Toyo réalise des avancées en matière de design et de construction de la bande de roulement ainsi qu’au chapitre du mélange de gomme.

Désormais, les propriétaires de camionnettes, de VUS et de fourgonnettes pourront profiter non seulement d’une traction tout-terrain, mais aussi de la sécurité qu’offre une traction pour conditions variables comme en témoigne le flocon de neige sur le flanc.

Type de véhicule
Utilisation des pneus
Ce pneu convient-il à votre véhicule ?

À quel point croyons-nous que vous apprécierez vos nouveaux pneus toyo? ?

Essayez-les pendant 30 jours...vous saurez.
Achetez 4 pneus TOYO admissibles et profitez d’un « essai de 30 jours ». Si au cours de cette période vous n’êtes pas entièrement satisfait de la performance de vos pneus TOYO, retournez- les et obtenez un remboursement intégral.


Caractéristiques et avantages




Comparaisons de performances

Comparez avec des pneus similaires
Durée de vie
Traction sur glace
Traction sur neige
Traction hors route
Manipulation à sec
Confort de conduite
Manipulation du freinage
Open Country A/T III


5.0 4.0 4.5 4.0 4.0

Autres pneus à considérer

dessin de la bande de roulement d'un pneu de camion tout terrain à conditions variables
  • Une conception avancée offre une excellente adhérence hors route.
  • Traction pour conditions variables améliorée.
  • Offre un look dynamique et élégant.
  • La disposition optimisée des blocs de bande de roulement offre une conduite silencieuse et confortable par rapport aux autres pneus de cette catégorie.
dessin de la bande de roulement d'un pneu de camion tout terrain à conditions variables
construction du pneu tout-terrain pour camion léger à condition variable de Toyo
  • Améliore la stabilité et la tenue de route.
  • Augmente la durabilité hors route et la résistance aux chocs.
construction du pneu tout-terrain pour camion léger à condition variable de Toyo
Le pneu à condition variable tout terrain de Toyo a un bloc central décalé
  • Une grande surface de contact améliore la tenue de route et la stabilité sur les routes revêtues.
  • Améliore la traction hors route.
Le pneu à condition variable tout terrain de Toyo a un bloc central décalé
mélange avancé dans le pneu de camion à conditions variables de toyo
  • Un mélange de silice incorporé aux pneus de tourisme aide à améliorer la traction sur chaussée mouillée.
  • Les pneus LT et de flottation sont dotés d’un mélange de gomme amélioré résistant aux coupures et aux écaillements qui aide à protéger le pneu contre les éléments.
  • Durée de vie améliorée pour toutes les dimensions par rapport à son prédécesseur.
mélange avancé dans le pneu de camion à conditions variables de toyo
Rainures latérales sur le pneu de camionnette tout-terrain à conditions variables de Toyo
  • Augmente la capacité d’évacuation de l’humidité et de la boue pour une meilleure traction par conditions variables.
  • Réduit le risque d’aquaplanage.
  • Améliore la traction sur toutes les surfaces revêtues ou hors route.
Rainures latérales sur le pneu de camionnette tout-terrain à conditions variables de Toyo
Le pneu de camionnette tout-terrain et toutes saisons de Toyo a une zone de vide uniformément répartie.
  • Améliore la traction sur route et hors route. 
  • Améliore la rigidité des blocs de bande de roulement pour une tenue de route plus stable.
Le pneu de camionnette tout-terrain et toutes saisons de Toyo a une zone de vide uniformément répartie.
Pictogramme d’homologation hivernale
  • Traction à conditions variables

Pictogramme d’homologation hivernale
Lamelles multi-ondes sur le pneu de camion léger tout-terrain et toutes saisons de Toyo.
  • Davantage de bords pour une meilleure traction sur les routes mouillées ou glissantes en hiver.
  • Améliore la rigidité des blocs pour réduire le risque d’usure irrégulière.
Lamelles multi-ondes sur le pneu de camion léger tout-terrain et toutes saisons de Toyo.
pattes d'épaulement décalées sur les conditions météorologiques variables tout terrain de toyo  pneu de camion
  • Traction hors route améliorée grâce aux bords mordant dans la boue, la terre ou le sable. 
  • Adhérence accrue dans la gadoue ou la neige profonde.
pattes d'épaulement décalées sur les conditions météorologiques variables tout terrain de toyo  pneu de camion
Le pneu de camionnette tout-terrain à conditions variables de Toyo est doté d'éjecteurs de pierres.
  • Éjecte les cailloux des rainures pour réduire le risque de dommages qui pourraient en résulter.
  • Ajoute à l’adhérence dans la boue, la gadoue ou la neige profonde.
  • Aide à stabiliser les blocs de la bande de roulement et augmente la durée de vie du pneu.
Le pneu de camionnette tout-terrain à conditions variables de Toyo est doté d'éjecteurs de pierres.
Le pneu pour camionnette tout-terrain à état variable Toyo a deux options de flancs
  • Deux design de flanc distincts pour un choix de styles.
  • Certaines dimensions sont également offertes avec lettrage blanc en relief.
Le pneu pour camionnette tout-terrain à état variable Toyo a deux options de flancs
Rim Diameter: 15
Dimension Description de Service Code Produit Largeur Jantes Diamètre hors tout (po) Largeur hors tout (po) Flanc Profondeur de sculpture (1/32") Revs/km Charge max. simple Pression max. simple Rim Diameter
30X9.50R15LT 104S 356050 6.0-(7.5)-8.0 29.8 9.4 OWL 16 434 1985 50 15
P215/75R15 100T 356060 5.5-(6.0)-7.0 27.7 8.5 OWL 13 467 1742 44 15
P225/75R15 102T 356070 6.0-(6.0)-7.5 28.3 8.8 BL 13 456 1874 44 15
LT235/75R15 104/101S 355610 6.0-(6.5)-8.0 29.1 9.3 OWL 16 444 1985/1820 50/50 15
P235/75R15 108T 356080 6.0-(6.5)-8.0 28.9 9.3 OWL 13 447 2183 50 15
P265/75R15 112S 355280 7.0-(7.5)-9.0 30.7 10.5 OWL 13 421 2469 44 15
31X10.50R15LT 109S 355910 7.0-(8.5)-9.0 30.7 10.6 OWL 16 420 2270 50 15
Rim Diameter: 16
Dimension Description de Service Code Produit Largeur Jantes Diamètre hors tout (po) Largeur hors tout (po) Flanc Profondeur de sculpture (1/32") Revs/km Charge max. simple Pression max. simple Rim Diameter
LT215/85R16 115/112Q 355760 5.5-(6.0)-7.0 30.4 8.5 BL 16 424 2680/2470 80/80 16
LT235/85R16 120/116R 355770 6.0-(6.5)-7.5 31.7 9.3 BL 16 407 3042/2778 80/80 16
P225/75R16 104S 355260 6.0-(6.0)-7.5 29.3 8.8 BL 13 441 1984 44 16
LT225/75R16 115/112Q 355600 6.0-(6.0)-7.5 29.3 8.8 BL 16 441 2680/2470 80/80 16
LT245/75R16 120/116S 355620 6.5-(7.0)-8.0 30.5 9.8 BL 16 424 3042/2778 80/80 16
LT245/75R16 120/116S 355630 6.5-(7.0)-8.0 30.7 9.8 OWL 16 420 3042/2778 80/80 16
245/75R16 111T 356140 6.5-(7.0)-8.0 30.5 9.8 OWL 13 424 2403 44 16
245/75R16 111T 356130 6.5-(7.0)-8.0 30.5 9.8 BL 13 424 2403 44 16
LT265/75R16 123/120R 355660 7.0-(7.5)-9.0 31.9 10.5 OWL 16 405 3415/3085 80/80 16
LT265/75R16 123/120R 355650 7.0-(7.5)-9.0 31.7 10.5 BL 16 408 3415/3085 80/80 16
265/75R16 116T 356180 7.0-(7.5)-9.0 31.7 10.5 BL 13 408 2756 44 16
265/75R16 116T 356190 7.0-(7.5)-9.0 31.7 10.5 OWL 13 408 2756 44 16
LT285/75R16 126/123R 355670 7.5-(8.0)-9.5 33.1 11.3 OWL 17 390 3750/3415 80/80 16
LT285/75R16 126/123R 355680 7.5-(8.0)-9.5 32.8 11.3 BL 17 393 3750/3415 80/80 16
LT295/75R16 128/125R 355720 7.5-(8.0)-10.0 33.4 11.6 BL 17 387 3970/3640 80/80 16
LT315/75R16 127/124R 355730 8.0-(8.5)-10.5 34.6 12.3 BL 17 373 3860/3525 65/65 16
215/70R16 100T 356090 5.5-(6.5)-7.0 27.9 8.7 BL 13 463 1764 44 16
225/70R16 103T 356100 6.0-(6.5)-7.5 28.4 9 OWL 13 454 1929 44 16
235/70R16 106T 356110 6.0-(7.0)-8.0 29 9.4 BL 13 446 2094 44 16
235/70R16 106T 356120 6.0-(7.0)-8.0 29 9.4 OWL 13 446 2094 44 16
P245/70R16 106S 355210 6.5-(7.0)-8.0 29.5 9.8 OWL 13 437 2094 44 16
P245/70R16 106S 355220 6.5-(7.0)-8.0 29.5 9.8 BL 13 437 2094 44 16
255/70R16XL 115T 356160 6.5-(7.5)-8.5 30.1 10.2 BL 13 429 2679 50 16
255/70R16XL 115T 356170 6.5-(7.5)-8.5 30.1 10.2 OWL 13 429 2679 50 16
P265/70R16 111T 355230 7.0-(8.0)-9.0 30.6 10.7 OWL 13 421 2403 44 16
P265/70R16 111T 355240 7.0-(8.0)-9.0 30.6 10.7 BL 13 421 2403 44 16
LT305/70R16 124/121R 355570 8.0-(9.0)-10.0 32.8 12.2 BL 17 393 3525/3195 65/65 16
215/65R16XL 102T 356380 6.0-(6.5)-7.5 27 8.7 BL 13 478 1874 50 16
255/65R16 109T 356150 7.0-(7.5)-9.0 29.1 10.2 BL 13 444 2271 44 16
Rim Diameter: 17
Dimension Description de Service Code Produit Largeur Jantes Diamètre hors tout (po) Largeur hors tout (po) Flanc Profondeur de sculpture (1/32") Revs/km Charge max. simple Pression max. simple Rim Diameter
LT235/80R17 120/117R 355740 6.0-(6.5)-8.0 31.8 9.3 BL 16 406 3085/2835 80/80 17
LT255/80R17 121/118R 355750 6.5-(7.0)-8.5 33.1 10 BL 16 390 3195/2910 80/80 17
P235/75R17 108S 355270 6.0-(6.5)-8.0 30.9 9.3 BL 13 418 2205 44 17
LT245/75R17 121/118S 355640 6.5-(7.0)-8.0 31.5 9.8 BL 16 410 3195/2910 80/80 17
LT255/75R17 111/108S 356930 6.5-(7.0)-8.5 32 10 BL 16 403 2405/2205 50/50 17
LT285/75R17 121/118S 355700 7.5-(8.0)-9.5 33.9 11.3 BL 17 382 3195/2910 80/80 17
LT285/75R17 117/114Q 355690 7.5-(8.0)-9.5 33.9 11.3 BL 17 382 2835/2600 50/50 17
LT245/70R17 119/116R 355470 6.5-(7.0)-8.0 30.6 9.8 BL 16 423 3000/2755 80/80 17
245/70R17 110T 356230 6.5-(7.0)-8.0 30.6 9.8 BL 13 423 2337 44 17
LT255/70R17 121/118S 356920 6.5-(7.5)-8.5 31.1 10.2 BL 16 415 3195/2910 80/80 17
255/70R17 112T 356240 6.5-(7.5)-8.5 31.1 10.2 BL 13 415 2469 44 17
LT265/70R17 121/118S 355480 7.0-(8.0)-9.0 31.7 10.7 BL 16 408 3195/2910 80/80 17
LT265/70R17 121/118S 355490 7.0-(8.0)-9.0 31.7 10.7 OWL 16 408 3195/2910 80/80 17
265/70R17 115T 356260 7.0-(8.0)-9.0 31.7 10.7 BL 13 408 2679 44 17
265/70R17 115T 356270 7.0-(8.0)-9.0 31.7 10.7 OWL 13 408 2679 44 17
LT265/70R17 112/109T 356940 7.0-(8.0)-9.0 31.7 10.7 BL 16 408 2470/2270 50/50 17
LT275/70R17 124/121T 356550 7.0-(8.0)-9.0 32.2 11 BL 16 401 3525/3195 80/80 17
LT285/70R17 121/118S 355550 7.5-(8.5)-9.5 32.8 11.5 BL 17 394 3195/2910 80/80 17
LT285/70R17 121/118S 355540 7.5-(8.5)-9.5 33 11.5 OWL 17 391 3195/2910 80/80 17
P285/70R17 117T 355250 7.5-(8.5)-9.5 32.8 11.5 BL 14 394 2833 44 17
LT285/70R17 116/113Q 355530 7.5-(8.5)-9.5 32.8 11.5 BL 17 394 2755/2535 50/50 17
LT305/70R17 121/118R 355580 8.0-(9.0)-10.0 33.9 12.2 BL 17 382 3195/2910 65/65 17
LT315/70R17 121/118S 355590 8.0-(9.5)-10.5 34.4 12.7 BL 17 375 3195/2910 50/50 17
215/65R17XL 103T 355890 6.0-(6.5)-7.5 28 8.7 BL 13 460 1929 44 17
LT225/65R17 107/103S 356910 6.5-(6.5)-8.0 28.5 9 BL 16 453 2150/1930 65/65 17
225/65R17XL 102T 356400 6.0-(6.5)-8.0 28.5 9 BL 13 453 1874 44 17
235/65R17XL 108H 356200 6.5-(7.0)-8.5 29.1 9.4 BL 13 444 2205 50 17
245/65R17XL 111T 356210 7.0-(7.0)-8.5 29.5 9.8 BL 13 437 2403 50 17
245/65R17XL 111T 356220 7.0-(7.0)-8.5 29.5 9.8 OWL 13 437 2403 50 17
LT245/65R17 111T 356520 7.0-(7.0)-8.5 29.5 9.8 BL 16 437 2405/2205 65/65 17
LT255/65R17 114/110S 357160 7.5-(7.5)-9.0 30.1 10.2 BL 7.5 429 2600/2335 65/65 17
LT265/65R17 120/117S 356610 8.0-(8.0)-9.5 30.6 10.7 BL 16 423 3085/2835 80/80 17
265/65R17XL 116T 356250 7.5-(8.0)-9.5 30.6 10.7 BL 13 423 2756 50 17
225/60R17XL 103T 356390 6.0-(6.5)-8.0 27.6 9 BL 13 467 1929 50 17
37X13.50R17LT 128S 357150 9.0-(11.0)-11.5 36.5 13.6 BL 13.4 354 3970 65 17
33X12.50R17LT 124S 356960 8.5-(10.0)-11.0 32.5 12.5 BL 17 397 3525 80 17
35X12.50R17LT 121R 355960 8.0-(10.0)-10.5 34.5 12.5 BL 17 374 3195 65 17
35X12.50R17LT 111Q 356540 8.0-(10.0)-10.5 34.5 12.5 BL 17 374 2405 35 17
37X12.50R17LT 128S 357010 8.0-(10.0)-10.5 36.5 12.5 BL 17 354 3970 65 17
35X11.50R17LT 118Q 355920 7.5-(9.0)-10.0 34.5 11.4 BL 17 374 2910 50 17
34X10.50R17LT 120S 356970 7.0-(8.5)-9.0 33.5 10.6 BL 16 385 3085 65 17
Rim Diameter: 18
Dimension Description de Service Code Produit Largeur Jantes Diamètre hors tout (po) Largeur hors tout (po) Flanc Profondeur de sculpture (1/32") Revs/km Charge max. simple Pression max. simple Rim Diameter
LT285/75R18 129/126S 355710 7.5-(8.0)-9.5 34.8 11.3 BL 17 370 4080/3750 80/80 18
255/70R18 113T 356280 6.5-(7.5)-8.5 32.1 10.2 BL 13 402 2535 44 18
265/70R18 116T 356310 7.0-(8.0)-9.0 32.6 10.7 BL 13 395 2756 44 18
LT265/70R18 124/121Q 355500 7.0-(8.0)-9.0 32.6 10.7 BL 16 395 3525/3195 80/80 18
LT275/70R18 125/122S 355510 7.0-(8.0)-9.0 33.2 11 BL 16 389 3640/3305 80/80 18
LT275/70R18 125/122S 355520 7.0-(8.0)-9.0 33.4 11 OWL 16 387 3640/3305 80/80 18
LT285/70R18 127/124S 356950 7.5-(8.5)-9.5 33.7 11.5 BL 17 383 3860/3525 80/80 18
LT295/70R18 129/126S 355560 7.5-(8.5)-10.0 34.3 11.8 BL 17 377 4080/3750 80/80 18
235/65R18XL 110T 355900 6.5-(7.0)-8.5 30 9.4 BL 13 430 2337 50 18
LT265/65R18 122/119S 357090 8.0-(8.0)-9.5 31.5 10.7 BL 12.9 409 3305/3000 80/80 18
265/65R18 114T 356300 7.5-(8.0)-9.5 31.5 10.7 BL 13 409 2601 44 18
LT275/65R18 123/120S 355400 8.0-(8.0)-9.5 32.1 11 BL 16 402 3415/3085 80/80 18
LT275/65R18 123/120S 355410 8.0-(8.0)-9.5 32.3 11 OWL 16 400 3415/3085 80/80 18
275/65R18 116T 356320 7.5-(8.0)-9.5 32.1 11 BL 14 402 2756 44 18
LT275/65R18 113/110T 355380 8.0-(8.0)-9.5 32.3 11 OWL 16 400 2535/2335 50/50 18
LT275/65R18 113/110T 355390 8.0-(8.0)-9.5 32.1 11 BL 16 402 2535/2335 50/50 18
LT285/65R18 125/122S 355430 8.5-(8.5)-10.0 32.6 11.5 BL 17 396 3640/3305 80/80 18
LT305/65R18 128/125Q 355450 9.0-(9.0)-11.0 33.6 12.2 BL 17 385 3970/3640 80/80 18
LT325/65R18 127/124R 355460 9.5-(9.5)-11.5 34.6 13 BL 17 373 3860/3525 65/65 18
225/60R18XL 104T 356410 6.0-(6.5)-8.0 28.6 9 BL 13 451 1984 50 18
235/60R18XL 107T 355860 6.5-(7.0)-8.5 29.1 9.4 BL 13 444 2149 50 18
245/60R18XL 109T 355870 7.0-(7.0)-8.5 29.6 9.8 BL 13 437 2271 50 18
255/60R18XL 112T 356890 7.0-(7.5)-9.0 30 10.2 BL 13 430 2469 50 18
LT265/60R18 119/116S 356600 8.0-(8.0)-9.5 30.5 10.7 BL 16 423 3000/2755 80/80 18
265/60R18 110T 356290 7.5-(8.0)-9.5 30.5 10.7 BL 13 423 2337 44 18
285/60R18XL 120S 355880 8.0-(8.5)-10.0 31.5 11.5 BL 14 410 3086 50 18
305/60R18 116S 356980 8.5-(9.0)-11.0 32.4 12.2 BL 14 398 2756 44 18
LT325/60R18 124/121S 355360 9.5-(9.5)-11.5 33.3 13 BL 17 387 3525/3195 65/65 18
225/55R18XL 102H 355830 6.0-(7.0)-8.0 27.8 9.2 BL 13 465 1874 50 18
255/55R18XL 109H 355840 7.0-(8.0)-9.0 29 10.4 BL 13 445 2271 50 18
33X12.50R18LT 122Q 355930 8.5-(10.0)-11.0 32.5 12.5 BL 17 397 3305 80 18
35X12.50R18LT 118R 356330 8.5-(10.0)-11.0 34.5 12.5 BL 17 374 2910 50 18
35X12.50R18LT 128Q 355970 8.5-(10.0)-11.0 34.5 12.5 BL 17 374 3970 80 18
37X12.50R18LT 128Q 356010 8.0-(10.0)-10.5 36.5 12.5 BL 17 354 3970 65 18
Rim Diameter: 19
Dimension Description de Service Code Produit Largeur Jantes Diamètre hors tout (po) Largeur hors tout (po) Flanc Profondeur de sculpture (1/32") Revs/km Charge max. simple Pression max. simple Rim Diameter
255/60R19XL 113H 356450 7.0-(7.5)-9.0 31.1 10.2 BL 13 416 2535 50 19
255/55R19XL 111H 356420 7.0-(8.0)-9.0 30 10.4 BL 13 430 2403 50 19
Rim Diameter: 20
Dimension Description de Service Code Produit Largeur Jantes Diamètre hors tout (po) Largeur hors tout (po) Flanc Profondeur de sculpture (1/32") Revs/km Charge max. simple Pression max. simple Rim Diameter
LT275/65R20 126/123S 355420 8.0-(8.0)-9.5 34.1 11 BL 16 378 3750/3415 80/80 20
LT295/65R20 129/126S 355440 8.5-(8.5)-10.5 35.1 11.8 BL 17 368 4080/3750 80/80 20
P245/60R20 107T 355200 7.0-(7.0)-8.5 31.6 9.8 BL 13 409 2149 44 20
LT265/60R20 121/118S 355330 8.0-(8.0)-9.5 32.5 10.7 BL 16 397 3195/2910 80/80 20
275/60R20 115T 356340 7.5-(8.0)-9.5 33 11 BL 14 391 2679 44 20
LT275/60R20 123T 356510 8.0-(8.0)-9.5 33 11 BW 16 391 3415/3085 80/80 20
LT285/60R20 125/122R 355340 8.5-(8.5)-10.0 33.5 11.5 BL 17 386 3640/3305 80/80 20
P285/60R20 116T 357170 8.0-(8.5)-10.0 33.5 11.5 BL 10.8 386 2756 44 20
LT295/60R20 126/123S 355350 8.5-(8.5)-10.5 33.9 11.8 BL 17 380 3750/3415 80/80 20
LT325/60R20 126/123R 355370 9.5-(9.5)-11.5 35.4 13 BL 17 365 3750/3415 65/65 20
255/55R20XL 110H 356430 7.0-(8.0)-9.0 31 10.4 BL 13 416 2337 50 20
275/55R20XL 117T 355850 7.5-(8.5)-9.5 31.9 11.2 BL 14 405 2833 50 20
LT275/55R20 120T 356500 8.0-(8.5)-9.5 31.9 11.2 BW 16 405 3085/2835 80/80 20
LT285/55R20 122/119T 356350 8.5-(9.0)-10.0 32.4 11.7 BL 17 399 3305/3000 80/80 20
P285/55R20 114T 356440 8.0-(9.0)-10.0 32.4 11.7 BL 14 399 2601 44 20
LT295/55R20 123/120T 356360 8.5-(9.5)-10.5 32.8 12.2 BL 17 394 3415/3085 80/80 20
P295/55R20 116T 356630 8.0-(9.5)-10.5 32.8 12.2 BL 14 394 2756 44 20
LT305/55R20 125/122Q 355320 9.0-(9.5)-11.0 33.2 12.4 BL 17 388 3640/3305 80/80 20
245/50R20XL 105H 355790 7.0-(7.5)-8.5 29.7 10 BL 13 435 2039 50 20
255/50R20XL 109T 355800 7.0-(8.0)-9.0 30.1 10.4 BL 13 429 2271 50 20
265/50R20XL 111T 355810 7.5-(8.5)-9.5 30.5 10.9 BL 13 424 2403 50 20
305/50R20XL 120T 355820 8.5-(9.5)-11.0 32 12.4 BL 14 403 3086 50 20
35X13.50R20LT 126Q 356040 9.5-(11.0)-12.0 34.5 13.6 BL 17 374 3750 80 20
33X12.50R20LT 119Q 355940 8.5-(10.0)-11.0 32.5 12.5 BL 17 397 3000 80 20
35X12.50R20LT 121R 355980 8.5-(10.0)-11.0 34.5 12.5 BL 17 374 3195 65 20
35X12.50R20LT 125Q 355990 8.5-(10.0)-11.0 34.5 12.5 BL 17 374 3640 80 20
37X12.50R20LT 126Q 356020 8.5-(10.0)-11.0 36.5 12.5 BL 17 354 3750 65 20
35X11.50R20LT 124R 356480 8.0-(9.0)-10.5 34.5 11.4 BW 17 374 3525 80 20
Rim Diameter: 22
Dimension Description de Service Code Produit Largeur Jantes Diamètre hors tout (po) Largeur hors tout (po) Flanc Profondeur de sculpture (1/32") Revs/km Charge max. simple Pression max. simple Rim Diameter
LT285/55R22 124/121S 355310 8.5-(9.0)-10.0 34.4 11.7 BL 17 375 3525/3195 80/80 22
LT295/55R22 125/122T 356460 8.5-(9.5)-10.5 34.8 12.2 BL 17 372 3640/3305 80/80 22
275/50R22 111T 356900 7.5-(8.5)-9.5 32.9 11.2 BL 14 393 2403 44 22
LT285/50R22 121/118R 355290 8.5-(9.0)-10.0 33.3 11.7 BL 17 388 3195/2910 80/80 22
LT295/50R22 122/119T 356490 8.5-(9.5)-10.5 33.7 12.2 BW 17 383 3305/3000 80/80 22
LT325/50R22 127Q 355300 9.5-(10.0)-11.5 34.8 13.2 BL 17 370 3860 80 22
285/45R22XL 114H 355780 9.0-(9.5)-10.5 32.1 11.2 BL 14 402 2601 50 22
305/45R22XL 118S 356370 9.5-(10.0)-11.5 32.8 11.9 BL 14 393 2910 50 22
33X12.50R22LT 109R 355950 8.5-(10.0)-11.0 32.5 12.5 BL 17 397 2270 65 22
35X12.50R22LT 121Q 356000 8.5-(10.0)-11.0 34.5 12.5 BL 17 374 3195 80 22
37X12.50R22LT 127Q 356030 8.5-(10.0)-11.0 36.5 12.5 BL 17 354 3860 80 22

Garantie Millénium

Garantie de 105 000 km sur les dimensions P-métriques et Eurométrique.

Garantie de 80 000 km sur les pneus LT et de Flottaison.

Open Country A/T III Sizzle vidéo
Open Country A/T III Sizzle vidéo
Open Country A/T III Sizzle vidéo
Open Country A/T III Sizzle vidéo
Open Country A/T III vidéo produit
Open Country A/T III vidéo produit
Vidéo produit d'Open Country A/T III
Vidéo produit d'Open Country A/T III
Chasse Peche | Essaie de pneus Toyo Open Country AT III 4K
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Open Country A/T II

Open Country A/T II Conditions Variables


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very unhappy with tires.

The tire tread is down to 3/32 after 40,000 km and will have to be replaced before winter. Very poor traction in snow and rain and spin out when pulling my boat at stop lights. This was like this from new and will not put these back on.

November 17,2024
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Code postal:V9g1w5


Modèle de véhicule:3500 HD

Marque du véhicule:Chevrolet

A lot of rubber for the price

These tires are the answer my spouse and I were looking for. Our Grand Cherokee Limited X needed to keep its Vus good looks and ensure our safety all year round, no matter the conditions.

May 22,2024
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Code postal:J5A1V4


Modèle de véhicule:Canada

Marque du véhicule:Jeep

Better than the rest!

Awesome tires, would highly recommend. All around great tires for every condition Mother Nature can throw at you. Especially happy with the traction in snow and on ice, here in northern Canada we see some serious snowfalls and these have performed flawlessly for me during some extreme conditions. Will be purchasing these for other vehicles!

March 21,2024
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Code postal:T2A5Y2


Modèle de véhicule:TJ Sahara

Marque du véhicule:Jeep

Great year round tire. Even winter.

Northern Ontario, Canada. I’ve run dedicated snow / winter tires for years, tired of having multiple sets of tires for multiple trucks. I wanted to go back to one tire that I can use year round. These are working out very well. Bought a set of these for a GMC Yukon 2 years ago, worked great year round. Cold, snow, winter use, no problem. I used the truck off road, plowing, no issues. I was concerned, I haven’t had good luck with AT tires in winter. I put another set on a Crew cab diesel F250 this past fall, again no issues. Running trails, climbing grassy hills, light mud. Wearing nicely after about 13k. And again, great in the snow, cold, and icy roads. I’ll buy them again, and recommend them.

February 19,2024
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Par:Northern Ontario.

Code postal:P6a5m1


Modèle de véhicule:F250 Crew Cab

Marque du véhicule:Ford

Very smooth and Quiet

I have a 2021 F150 I've put 30000k on these tires with minimal signs of wear maybe 2/32. Tires r LT285/65/20 , I was very surprised how quiet they are I run them at 35 psi. Tires are pretty good in snow for a all weather tire. Obviously in a snow storm I run them in 4x4 for stop and go around town, but they track good in 2wd on back roads. Much better then the ATII, I would buy them again.

January 09,2024
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Code postal:K0C2J0


Modèle de véhicule:F150

Marque du véhicule:Ford

My only choice.

I manage a small fleet of emergency vehicles in northern Alberta, Canada. I watched our fleet of trucks suffer incessant flats and failures until I asked to take the role over. First thing I did was order new Toyo AT3s for everything. Since then, we have had next to no flats unless someone picks up a significant piece of metal, and our down time is basically nothing. We operate in nothing less than extreme conditions including high speed on pavement, gravel and dirt, and purely off road with one logging road of 150kms which is famous for being death on tires. No longer do we expect to get a flat on each trip down that road. We had used several other brands prior to the Toyos but even our most disconnected drivers comment on the absence of tire repairs now.

January 06,2024
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Par:Northern Tires

Code postal:T0G 2K0


Modèle de véhicule:f250

Marque du véhicule:Ford

Great all year tire

2014 Dodge Ram 5.7 4x4 I tow a 30' 6,000lb travel trailer in the summer sometimes from Lake Simcoe to Wawa Ontario. I drive the 400 highway from Lake Simcoe to Toronto year round and never had a problem with these tires. In fact we drove from Lake Simcoe on the 400 highway to get to Pearson Airport January 17th 2022 at 2:30am to catch a flight during one of the worst snow storms, while cars were stuck in snow drifts and cars doing 360 spin outs on the 400 we didn't have any issues handling the truck in this weather, in fact when we got to the 401 /Islington off ramp which was not plowed or used we made it through 50cm to 60cm of snow and right to our airport parking off Airport Road safely. I have just over 80,000km's on these tires and will put a new set on at the beginning of December.

October 31,2023
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Code postal:L3V 7T5


Modèle de véhicule:RAM 1500 5.7 4x4

Marque du véhicule:Dodge

Not As Advertised

I purchased these tires based on the advertised snow and ice performance. They do not have nearly the ice grip as advertised at all. Starting, stopping and braking traction while maintaining speed are all major issues. very disappointed.

October 24,2023
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Code postal:T8X 0H9


Modèle de véhicule:Sierra 1500 Elevation

Marque du véhicule:GMC

Unable to balance new tires

I’ve been to 4 different tire shops to try and balance my toyo at3 tires (305/55/r20) with no luck from anyone, have only been on 1500km. Been told two are out of spec and company I bought from won’t do anything about it. Will be my last set of toyo’s after having many others previously. Truck shakes down the highway, put my stocks on and no issues.

October 05,2023
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Code postal:T8N 2T8


Modèle de véhicule:3500

Marque du véhicule:RAM

Awful experience with Toyo

Self employed and rely on my truck to pickup material and deliver finished goods on a weekly basis. Truck must be reliable at all times. My duratracs had worn out and decided to replace with a set of Toyo open country AT3 after reading multiple decent reviews. Tires were mounted and balanced on a friday, drove the truck home and it sat for the weekend. Drove it on the monday and noticed something was wrong. The truck felt like it was floating all over the road when making turns. Tires were balanced properly on the rims and everything was torqued properly after checking it over. Aired the tires down to 50 psi and made no difference, possibly even worse. Truck is a 2011 Dodge Ram 3500 and all front end parts are less than a year old. Truck drove straight however at any turn in the steering wheel it felt like the truck was driving over the sidewall of the tire . Go tout to check and the tread felt extremely soft and mushy. These were Load Range E. Did not feel safe at all and i cant imagine how much worse it would get with a heavy trailer on. After calling the shop who installed them , i drove down and took the sales guy for a drive who immediately agreed this was not normal. We even compared to another set of Open Country AT 3's with a lower load range that felt WAY harder and stiffer. Thankfully i had a friend with a spare set of wheels with K02's mounted which i put on and left my rims and tires at the shop. Took the sales guy for another ride with the K02 tires and everything felt as it should. We agreed it was the tires. After leaving the toyos in their hands i find out they were denied any sort of warranty by Toyo directly and there is no way these tires could be faulty. We arrange to have the toyo rep personally drive my vehicle and after i arrive today they fail to show up. I run a small business and buying brand name tires should not be a chore , causing headache and 3 trips and countless phonecalls with the tire shop. It doesnt matter if they have the best tire on earth i would never deal with Toyo again. Very poor customer service and clearly dont stand behind their product. Dont waste your money or time

August 24,2023
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Code postal:R4K 1B2


Modèle de véhicule:Ram 3500

Marque du véhicule:RAM

No Warranty Caveat emptor

I purchased these tires for my daughters SUV as she was going away for University as an international student. We would have no connection to any mechanics or shops in this town. I wanted the best tires money could buy. Well after 23,000km 1 tire went flat and as a result was destroyed. This is where I find out there is no road hazard warranty and I'm out of pocket $379 for a new tire plus balance, installation and tax. The tires are good but have no warranty so buyer beware.

July 31,2023
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Par:George TBear

Code postal:L5E1C8


Modèle de véhicule:Grand Vitara

Marque du véhicule:Suzuki

Excellent tires.

Northern Ontario, Canada. Excellent tires. Just here looking at sizes for another truck. Thought I’d put in my 2c. I’ve run a lot of trucks, in miserable places. I put a set of these on a truck last fall, and they have been great. On highway, gravel, bush/mining roads. Summer and winter. E rated 10 ply. No issues at all. Normally I run dedicated snow tires on everything, but my local dealer said he and his guys run these year round. I gave it a try, and they worked great in snow, ice, all winter. I’ll be getting another set for a different truck. First set of AT tires I’ve found that work well in the snow and winter.

July 23,2023
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Code postal:P6a5m1


Modèle de véhicule:Yukon

Marque du véhicule:GMC


J’adore. Très bonne traction en hors route et sur pavé. Silencieux sur l’autoroute.

July 22,2023
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Réponse de pneus Toyo
Merci d'avoir partagé votre expérience "Dimolden" !
Aug 01, 2023


Code postal:J0R1R1


Modèle de véhicule:Tacoma

Marque du véhicule:Toyota

poor tires

2 flats in 3 days rubber rips off when driving on gravel roads spent 2300 on tires and the tread is warned down alot so upset

July 03,2023
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Code postal:T8R0A3


Modèle de véhicule:denali 3500

Marque du véhicule:GMC


I had a blown tire not even 50000 km. They made it so hard to warranty. I sent pictures wasn't enough had to measure tread 20 emails I don't know how to measure the tread. I gave up they made it so difficult . Worst experience ever.

June 30,2023
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Code postal:N2T 1T4


Modèle de véhicule:Silverado

Marque du véhicule:Chevrolet

Waiting for reply from toyo if I had warranty or not.

Only got 70 000 out of tire and went bald and bulged. Other 3 whete ok. Dealer told me no warranty.

June 26,2023
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Code postal:N2T 1T4


Modèle de véhicule:Silverado

Marque du véhicule:Chevrolet

High Price Crap Quality

After 30K, one of my tires developed small fissures (cracks). High price, poor quality. The dealer contacted Toyo's customer care but it seems their service matches the quality of their tires. Do yourself a favour, go buy a different brand.

June 20,2023
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Code postal:V9M 5R2


Modèle de véhicule:1500 Classic Warlock

Marque du véhicule:RAM

Less then 30000km

Less than 30000km and they are done. Not like the Open Country A/T I had before.

June 05,2023
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Par:Disappointed Driver

Code postal:R0M1M0


Modèle de véhicule:Sierra

Marque du véhicule:GMC

weak tires

these ride great but had gravel puncture tire with only 500 kms on them..very disappointing.

May 10,2023
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Code postal:E5G 4A8


Modèle de véhicule:

Marque du véhicule:RAM

No Complaints - Quite ride

I do 1,500km a month on these tires, they are very quiet, they hold up well and grip the road in all conditions

March 29,2023
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Code postal:K2J 2W5


Modèle de véhicule:F150

Marque du véhicule:Ford

Warranty? What warranty?

Put these AT III on my 2021 Honda Ridgeline. Initially love the tires. My first winter wasn't the best here in Atlantic Canada with these so I opted for a designated set of Toyo Observes Gi6 which are what's needed if anyone expects any real winter driving. My whole family are Toyo Tires fans. It was my understanding that the Treadwear Warranty on the AT III were 80,000 km. These tire were rotated and wheel aligned at every oil change or every 5 or 6 thousand KM. Hydrogen Aired all at 35 PSI with TPMS reading in dash. Now comes 60,000 km on the tires all highway driving and tires are done. So I bring them back to Tire Dealer where they tell me they should be covered no problem. They get the Toyo rep to look at the claim but to my surprise, I only get back about $35 per tire credit under warranty coverage. All I can say as much as I love Toyos, I am now shopping for a different brand that satisfies my needs on warranty coverage. There tires were perfectly worn even on all 4 tires. Not saying that Toyo doesn't honor their warranty claims, but I can tell you that I believe had I purchased them from an authorized Toyo dealer like OK Tire for example, maybe I would have been more happy with the outcome. The tire dealer I dealt with have sponsored my kids through sports, and I am going to continue to buy my tires there mainly for that but my next tires will be a brand that this Tire Dealer is certified for and rated amongst top tire brands in Canada. They told me had I bought that specific brand, they would have covered at least 50% of the cost of new ones. Spring sales are out so I will be shopping soon so I can save my Toyo Observes for next winter.

March 20,2023
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Code postal:E1A 5S3


Modèle de véhicule:Ridgeline

Marque du véhicule:Honda

Good all around tire

When someone from the East says this is not a good winter tire because it was a thaw and freeze and freezing rain then snow… what tire would be good for there conditions beside all studded tire. More Eastern drives have no clue when it comes to tires I guess. This tire is snow rated and I have used these on all my trucks with over 300,000km driven in mountains and back roads and cities. One of the best winter and all around tire!

March 03,2023
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Par:True Ratings

Code postal:T1R1M4


Modèle de véhicule:F350, Bronco, Explore ST, Raptor, F150

Marque du véhicule:Ford

Not for winter driving.

These came on my truck. I thought the "triple peak" snowflake rating for winter meant something. These are not tires I would reccomend for winter driving at all. After driving 12km m this morning after a thaw/freeze cycle with some freezing rain and a few inches of snow on the roads..... I bought new tires and rims on my phone before getting out of my truck at my destination. I made sure that they were available to get installed within 12 hours so I didn't have to drive again with these these tires installed. Absolutely no ice and hard pack taction. Braking was non existant.....and I was crawling along. Never have I been so uncomfortable during winter driving. I'VE BEEN SLIPPING MOST OF THIS WINTER AND I ASSUMED IT WAS BECAUSE THERE WAS MINIMAL WEIGHT IN THE BOX OF THE TRUCK. THIS WAS NOT THE TRUCKS FAULT. THESE TIRES ARE HORRIBLE WINTER USE! NOT RECCOMENDED FOR WINTER

February 15,2023
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Par:chilly skier

Code postal:P7A 5W7


Modèle de véhicule:F150

Marque du véhicule:Ford

An aggressive look with a smooth ride

Mounted on a 22 Ford Ranger FX4 for three months now and are very impressive compared to the stock OE tire. Size is 265/70R17 at 31.7" tall compared to the stock 30.5.. Perfect fit with no rubbing. Surprised by how quiet they are on pavement. Traction on gravel with some mud is excellent and a bonus, this tread does not pick up and hold rocks to later fling out on the highway. This should be a good tire for my Yukon trip this spring and will then find out how they wear.

January 26,2023
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Code postal:V0R2W3


Modèle de véhicule:Ranger FX4

Marque du véhicule:Ford

Great in slush and snow on a Grand Cherokee.

A limited selection of general purpose all terrain tires like B** AT for Jeep 20" oem rims, and maintain 265/50r20 overall size. I won't swap rims to gain skinnier winter tires, and other brands are taller, maybe 33" is too tall for the wheel wells on a Grand Cherokee. My dealer had these in stock. I am lucky to get a Chrysler discount on parts, so these AT III's were the best option. I use these on a 2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee. My best comparison is my old Ford Explorer with B** AT's. The Toyo's are better rubber. Performance is mostly excellent. These are likely quieter than the B**'s. Performance in slush and heavy snow is excellent. Likely better than the B**'s for that too. Only 12,000 km, can't comment on wear.

January 25,2023
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Code postal:N2E3K7


Modèle de véhicule:Grand Cherokee

Marque du véhicule:Jeep

Wore out quickly

These tires a lasted 35000kms on my 1 ton . I was hoping for more life.

January 18,2023
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Code postal:V2S 7R3


Modèle de véhicule:3500

Marque du véhicule:RAM

Tread wear horrible

I got these tires abt a yr ago only maybe 30 000km on them and they are almost finished, had wild peaks and wranglers before , wranglers lasted yrs 100000km or more same with the wild peaks, was expecting same kinda wear from toyo but very disappointed in these tires would not recommend them!

January 07,2023
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Par:Canadian 87

Code postal:V4S0B7


Modèle de véhicule:3500

Marque du véhicule:RAM

Great Tires Very impressed

I have had these tires on my 2017 GMC 3500 HD diesel for about 18 months. They are great in the winter and are wearing really well. Only issue is you can't get replacements if you have an unrepairable puncture. 18" LT sizes have been on backorder for months with no expected dates. Reaching out for Toyo for some help! When will 35 x 12.5 R18 sizes become available again?? Don't buy these tires if replacements are not available.

January 04,2023
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Code postal:T2C5G5


Modèle de véhicule:3500HD

Marque du véhicule:GMC

Disappointing appearance

Why are my sidewall lugs nothing more than thin lines on the sidewall of the tire? I see other tires that have very distinct sidewall tread.... Disappointing because Ive seen pictures of the tire and it looks much more aggressive than the sidewall lugs on my tires...

November 27,2022
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Code postal:L9G 3Z7


Modèle de véhicule:Tacoma

Marque du véhicule:Toyota

So far so good, but...

I got these tires in LT275/70r18 put on my Silverado 1500 a few weeks ago. I've already had them on ice and snow and am pretty impressed with their traction and braking performance. I have driven almost 1000km of highway with them as well and they have composed handling and are pretty quiet as far as an all terrain tire goes. I can't say much for the treadlife of them yet, but a friend of mine has had the same tires for over a year and they seem to be holding up great. They do look a bit narrow for a 275, but do measure out to nearly 11" at the sidewall when mounted. My biggest complaint however is how the sidewall design looks. On my buddy's tires (LT275/65r20) the sidewall design looks way more meaty and aggressive. There indentations and protrusions are pretty deep. On my tires, (LT275/70r18) the sidewall pattern looks way less aggressive. The protrusions and indentations aren't anything more than some thin lines on the sidewall (this is probably why my tires look narrow for a 275). I talked to customer service and was assured this was because of the tire size, but I also saw another truck with smaller tires than mine and a more aggressive sidewall so that doesn't make sense. I know it doesn't affect performance but when paying what we pay for tires, I expect them to look good. I don't know if I just ended up with some tires from a batch that were made different, but it's a bit disappointing to see this kind of inconsistencies from a brand like Toyo.

November 21,2022
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Code postal:V1Y 2M6


Modèle de véhicule:Silverado 1500

Marque du véhicule:Chevrolet

Not worth the cost.

A very talked up and marketed tire, but the tread wear is awful. I know awd can be harder on the tread, but less than a year and under 30000km, my tires are pooched, like bald. I’ll gladly take pictures and show anyone the odometer readings and bill of sale for the date of purchase. Really unimpressed. I hope the R/Ts are better.

November 07,2022
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Code postal:K8A3Y1


Modèle de véhicule:2010 -Forester XT

Marque du véhicule:Subaru

Do not recommend

They are all shredded and chunks coming off, always rotated, and all have the same tread depth, half wore out at only 23,000 kms

November 03,2022
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Code postal:V9n2e2


Modèle de véhicule:Sierra 1500

Marque du véhicule:GMC

Bad durability

I know most of my miles are gravel but after getting 60K and 80K out of my last two sets of other brands’ A/T and M/T tires, I’ve gotten less than 50K out of these and have experienced bad stone drilling resulting in flats that were never a problem with the other tires mentioned above. Winter traction is also subpar despite the snowflake rating. If you’re looking for a rugged tire with good winter traction, you will not find it in these AT3s.

October 02,2022
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Code postal:T0H 2M0


Modèle de véhicule:Silverado 2500HD

Marque du véhicule:Chevrolet

second set of tires, impressed

reviews are accurate, will get a third set. thanks

July 19,2022
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Code postal:L0B1M0


Modèle de véhicule:tacoma

Marque du véhicule:Toyota

Home Run TOYO

Had mutiple KO's and Dura's over the last three decades and these 35 x11.5 x20 Open Country ATIII are by far the best all round tire I've owned. Quiet, sticky in snow and wear is better than others in this price range. Just bought some G3 Ice for wifes car. Nice job Toyo.

April 20,2022
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10 1


Code postal:V4t3A6


Modèle de véhicule:F150

Marque du véhicule:Ford

Best Tires Hands Down!

These were the best set of tires! LT305 70R 20’s 168,000 kms! Crazy mileage out of them, probably would’ve gotten more!

February 26,2022
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Code postal:R0G0A1


Modèle de véhicule:F150

Marque du véhicule:Ford

DO NOT HOLD UP, pit bad

We have gone through several sets of the OC AT2s over the last decade, with zero problems. We love those tires and they last a very long time. This new set of OC AT3s is SUPER CRAPPY. Extreme pitted wear with our regular use. We highly recommend looking elsewhere…

December 20,2021
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Code postal:T4J1R1


Modèle de véhicule:3500

Marque du véhicule:Dodge

Garbage, don't buy

I own a 2020 tacoma. I drive like a little old man because I want my things to have a long life. So after 18k kms on these tires and they are below half wear I had the dealership call toyo and the response back was the wear is normal for light duty truck tires. Sorry we will not help you. I stongly recommend any other brand other than toyo. So disappointing.

December 14,2021
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25 9


Code postal:V2A 6N4


Modèle de véhicule:Tacoma

Marque du véhicule:Toyota

Better than the OC A/T II

I’m running my third set of the Toyo Open Coyntry AT series tires. The first set was on my 2004 Jeep and performed flawlessly. They are nice and quiet on road and aggressive enough to get over most obstacles Offroad. I’ve run another set on my Silverado and I am sold on them. They haven’t impacted my fuel economy and are an excellent all around tire. My first two sets lasted approximately 90-100,000kms

November 29,2021
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Code postal:T8A 5W9


Modèle de véhicule:Silverado 2500

Marque du véhicule:Chevrolet

6 years and still going

Weird to see this tire getting bad reviews I got 6 years out of my tires.

November 19,2021
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Code postal:E3b7e5


Modèle de véhicule:Wrangler

Marque du véhicule:Jeep


DO NOT buy this tire !!!!! Absolute worst tire i ever had. not even5 thousand km and falling apart garbage

November 14,2021
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Par:bush bunny

Code postal:t7v1z1


Modèle de véhicule:f 250 gas

Marque du véhicule:Ford

Wore a set out in less than 25000km

Handles well on pavement, poor stability while pulling RV trailer, terrible tread wear and does not handle gravel at all. Wore a set out in less than 30000km

November 11,2021
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Usure de la semelle
Roulement et confort/span>
12 13


Code postal:T0J0M0


Modèle de véhicule:2016duramax 2500

Marque du véhicule:GMC

Better than I expected!

I've put on 1000km in various conditions. Off road in light mud they grip better than I had expected. In a gravel/mud mix they do tend to hold debris in the tread although once you gain some speed the treads seem to clear decently. For a low speed mud tire, get a mud tire. In heavy rain with partially washed out roads they don't hydroplane easily and are planted even in corners. On dry roads these tires are extremely quiet for the A/T tread pattern. Even quieter than Michelin LTX tires. You can cruise at 80mph and the wind going over the side mirrors is more prominent than anything. For the price they are fantastic. Time will tell on how they handle winter weather, and wear. From a handling perspective, in the A/T category these are outstanding. I had Cooper ATWs previously and they were OK, but can't compare to the Toyo AT3s. Turn in is crisp and linear with excellent feedback. Keeping in mind these tires are still new, yet impressive, and should remain impressive for at least 40,000miles - anything more than that is a bonus and knowingly will warrant a second purchase.

August 02,2021
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Usure de la semelle
Roulement et confort/span>
25 5


Code postal:N2B2L3


Modèle de véhicule:1500

Marque du véhicule:RAM



Randonnée tranquille
Résistance au roulement


Toyo Tires Canada
1 année 10 mois
Which car would you choose to conquer the winter climate❄️? https://t.co/XGpx2nkr5B

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