
Canadian Automobile Sports Clubs-Ontario Region (CASC-OR)

The CASC-OR is the official motorsports sanctioning body in Ontario for autoslalom, solosprint and road racing competitions.  Numerous car clubs and motorsports organizations are affiliated with the CASC-OR to promote safe yet competitive motorsports competitions.

Formula 1600

The Toyo Tire F1600 Championship Series is a competitive, economical, and very enjoyable series of races designed to challenge everyone from the budding professional to the seasoned master and of course welcoming rookies of all ages. The Toyo Tire F1600 Championship Series runs exclusively on the Toyo Proxes R888R.


The SPDA is open to all makes of vehicle. This association is comprised of members from many cities in Canada. Club members complete under the SPDA banner at various events, Time Attack, Solo 2 / Gymkhana, track lapping day, sanctioned drag meets, rallies, and rallycross.

* The logos listed above are logos from our partners and are used with their permission.

Tread Talk

Toyo Tires Canada
1 year 11 months
Which car would you choose to conquer the winter climate❄️? https://t.co/XGpx2nkr5B

Tire of the Week

All Weather tires for a variety of vehicles. For the driver who...